
WOD 7/27/2020


  • Build to a 2 RM Push Press


AMRAP x 14 Minutes

  • 5 Push Press 135/95
  • 200m Run
  • 25 Plate Ground to Overhead 25/15

WOD 7/26/2020


3 Sets*

  • 50′ Double DB Suitcase Walking Lunge
  • 10 DB Power Clean
  • 50′ Double DB Suitcase Walking Lunge


2 Sets

  • 20/15 Cal Row/Bike
  • 25 Upright Rows 45/35
  • 25 Hollow Rocks
  • 25 Thrusters
  • 20/15 Calorie Row/Bike

-Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets-


WOD 7/25/2020


Cash in: 25 Up-Downs

8 Rounds

  • 8 OHS 95/65
  • 8 Shoulder to OH
  • 8 Bent Over Rows
  • 400m Run

Cash Out: 25 Up-Downs


The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation in the body is known to contribute to several chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, inflammatory gut disorders, arthritis, obesity, cancer, and dementia. Eating an Anti Inflammatory Diet may help to lessen inflammation and decrease chronic disease. Here are some simple guidelines:

1) Consume adequate omega-3 fatty acids.
• Eat two servings (4 ounces or 113 g each) of fatty fish per week OR supplement with 1–4 g of combined EPA+DHA daily. These will be listed on the supplement facts label.
• Reduce intake of omega-6 fatty acids to keep ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the range of 2:1 to 4:1.
• Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to fish.

2) Choose healthy fats.
• Replace vegetable oils, trans-fats, or butter with extra-virgin olive oil.

3) Increase vegetable and fruit intake (especially vegetables).
• Consume 5–9 servings of vegetables and fruits per day, with more than half as vegetables.
• Color your diet! Deeply colored fruits and vegetables contain higher amounts of protective phytochemicals.
• Use the plate method: the biggest portion (half the plate) is where the vegetables go(excluding potatoes).

4) Choose whole grain carbohydrates and limit the portion sizes.
• Choose carbohydrates that are whole grain and aim for a total of 25 g of fiber per day.
• Rx: Double your vegetable intake, and half your intake of refined carbohydrates (anything with flour and/or sugar)!

5) Get your protein from plant sources such as legumes, nuts, and seeds, and/or choose lean, natural animal sources of protein in moderate amounts (grass-fed or pastured if possible).

6) Spice it up! Include anti-inflammatory herbs and spices such as garlic, turmeric, rosemary, ginger, oregano, cumin, and cayenne in your diet.

7) Eat mindfully
• Be mindful of your food portions. Quality AND quantity matter. Regardless of how healthy your food
choices are, excess calories from any source can increase inflammation and obesity.
• Savor your food, chew slowly and ENJOY IT!!!


WOD 7/21/2020


6 sets of 4 reps

  • DB Strict Press


AMRAP x 10 Minutes

5-10-15 and so on…

  • Medicine Ball Thrusters

10-20-30 and so on..

  • Double Unders

WOD 7/19/2020


Every 2:00 x 6 sets

  • 6/6 Front Rack Split Squats

EMOM x 12 Minutes

  • Min 1 – 15-20 Box Jumps (24/20)
  • Min 2 – :40 Hang Power Clean (95/65) (75/55)
  • Min 3 – 15-20 Push Ups
  • Min 4 -:40 Front Rack Hold

Client Stories

“All around feeling so much better after being here” Jason

Jason started at CrossFit Jungle Gym about 3 months ago to improve his fitness and mental health. After completing our first 60 days program he sat down to chat with coach James about his experience.

Jason’s First 60 Days Interview
So why did you come to CrossFit Jungle Gym?

“I was going down a bad direction and I needed to get all aspects of my life together, fitness, mental health, everything. Coming here with the group setting and everybody to back you up. It’s been 3-4 months later and fitness has gone up, my mental health is great. Just all around feeling much better after being here.”

What was the biggest obstacle we hoped you overcome?

“I would say the consistency. If I started slacking, I think there was a week where I hit one day that week. James sent me a message and I was in 3 times a week every since.”

What are you looking to accomplish next?

“My next goal is I would like to get a 5k under 30 minutes and a longer term goal is I want to do a triathlon.”

Is there anything you would want to say to anyone at home who was in the same shoes you were in?

“The first thing you need to do is be self aware and say you need to make that change. Come in, you show up once, talk to the coaches and have all the motivation once you come in. They’ll help you through the first 60 days, the program they have. The motivation from them and the community of being here. You’ll start to do three days a week and you’ll make that consistent and after a month you’ll feel so much better.”

Blog Nutrition

My current actions become what future

My current actions become what future? Society has ingrained in our minds that weight is important. Somehow “we know” if we are getting fitter or closer to a body transformation if the number on the scale is going down. Is the scale really the most important thing? Are we taking the actions that put us on the right track for the future we want?

Measure current actions

Here at CFJG, we are all about ditching the scale as our sole measurement. Instead we take biometric measures for additional data points and to help us speak the language that most relate to when thinking about improving their health. Weight however carries less value to us in the grand scheme of better your overall health. Don’t get me wrong, since it matters to you, it matters to us. But we never zone in solely on this number.

In our experience, the number on the scale is the most common number that people reference when trying to gauge their current level of health. Striving to add 10lbs to a deadlift, cutting time off your 1 mile run, or getting a strict pull up sounds awesome. But many who are starting with us may not be able to see how improving physical performance translates to improved biometric measures.

If you’ve been with us for awhile now, we hope we’ve convinced you to chase performance and trust in us that by doing so you will be healthier. A better version of your former self.

Base for the future

We use the Theoretical Hierarchy of Training Development to help guide our athletes to success. This model helps us analyze our members shortcomings or more positively put, areas for improvement.

When you’re looking to get fitter or change any of your biomarkers we recommend you consult the hierarchy first! This will direct you the right current actions that become what future you’d like to have. Those actions will give you the most bang for the buck. Ask yourself, how strong is my base (nutrition)? If you haven’t fine tuned your nutrition yet the good news is you have a ton of potential! May you have done some fine tuning, but it hasn’t stuck. I think we can all admit that our nutrition could be better. The good news is, since nurition is the base, it only takes small changes to start seeing the rewards.

Many people come to us and they tell us of a variety of different nutrition plans they have tried and WORKED. Only for a short period of time though. The probelm is whatever these plans asked of them was management in the moment. Not over the long haul. We’ve run nutrition challenges in the past and the results have been amazing! Each time around we are shooting for the same amazing results and improve our guidance to get long lasting results. Our nutrition challenge has a goal… to make changes that feel less like a diet and more like a new simple lifestyle.

Create the actions

Your task for the rest of this week… is get real with yourself and your food. Journal your nutrition habits… WRITE IT DOWN. At the end of the week ask yourself…

  1. My current actions become what future? What does my future look like if I continue eating exactly how I am today?
  2. Am I ready to make a change?
  3. If the answer is yes… book a Nutrition Intro session.

Our Nutrition Program and our Nutrition Challenge aren’t anything crazy or cold turkey type of programs. They are programs built on progression. Programs we can confidently and easily promote as life changing.

Realize the future

If you’re ready to make changes, we are ready to hold you accountable!


Shed Body Fat Fast

Let’s make an action plan to Shed Body Fat Fast. This article should serve as a base of knowledge to work from.

The 3 Objectives to Shedding Body Fat

Shedding extra body fat is a goal of many Americans. CrossFit Jungle Gym uses proven methods to help get you there! So let’s outline the changes you should be making in order to shed the body fat. Your extra body fat may be holding you back from living the life you want. Whether it’s getting more pull ups, feeling confident at work, running faster or keeping you from going to the beach. We are going to focus on 3 key objectives: higher activity level, increase muscle mass and improving nutrition inputs. These 3 things are going to make losing that extra body fat simple and improve your fitness!

Higher Activity Levels

The first thing we want to achieve is a higher activity level. Doing so is going to expend more of our energy leaving less to become stored as fat. This will help keep us from attaining more fat and begin the process of slimming down.

Increasing your activity level is quite simple. Do more today than yesterday, more this week than last week, more this month than last month. This change in activity level is needed to break your state of homeostasis (staying the same, plateau). This increase will force your body to burn more energy than it did before. Then we’ll begin tipping the balance towards losing unproductive body weight. There are several ways to do this.

Add more movement to your daily activities. You’ve heard it a million times by now but don’t be afraid to park at the back of the parking lot. Don’t be afraid to take the stairs or to walk, run, jump or skip to where you are going. Don’t be afraid to do a couple push-ups, squats or sit ups when you have a couple minutes. Just take advantage of any time that you have to MOVE. There are so many other benefits to body movement besides increasing you activity level it would be silly not to!

Start by committing to a schedule. If you don’t currently workout, commit yourself to doing two workouts a week and pick the days! Don’t go too crazy at the start. We just need to do more than we were doing before we don’t need to go from 0-60! We have all the details sorted out for you in our First 60 Days program.

Build more muscle mass

Secondly, we are going to want to build more muscle mass. Having more muscle mass is like having a larger engine. It burns more fuel, leaving less to hang around to be stored later. Not to mention it shifts the body composition quickly in the right direction!

Nutrition Inputs

Finally, we need to take note of our nutrition. This will ensure it aligns with our goals of losing body fat. It will also allow us to maintain more muscle mass, the good stuff.

The value of a coach

Find a coach or a personal trainer. There are good coaches and trainers all over the country. Finding one is going to help you improve all 3 objectives. Here’s how…

Accountability = Shed Body Fat

Having an appointment or paid session is another commitment that you make that will force you to go.

Knowledge = Efficiency = Shed Body Fat

A good coach is also going to help you be more productive with your time and efforts. Experienced coaches will know the best movements, rep schemes and be fluent in modifying for your needs. Shorting the time to your desired results.

Meet with a CFJG coach and building your plan to shed body fat fast!

If it’s time for you to shed body fat fast start here! Increase your activity levelbuilding more muscle mass and changing your nutrition. This will lead to a fitter and healthier you for years to come. You will be able to enjoy more physical activities and reap the benefits of your newly found active lifestyle!


WOD 7/6/2020


EMOM x 10 Minutes

  • 5 Hang Power Snatch


AMRAP x 12 Minutes

  • 6 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 8 Hang Power Snatch (95/65) (75/55)
  • 10/8 Cal Bike