
WOD 7/4/2020

Hero WOD – “Loredo”

6 rounds for time of:

  • 24 squats
  • 24 push-ups
  • 24 alt lunges
  • Run 400 meters

Army Staff Sgt. Edward Loredo died June 24, 2010 serving during Operation Enduring Freedom. Loredo, 34, of Houston, TX; assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne, Fort Bragg, NC; died June 24 in Jelewar, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his unit with an IED.

Loredo had previously served in Iraq. He died during combat in Afghanistan, just one day short of his 35th birthday and just weeks before he was to finish his tour in the Middle East.

He is survived by his wife, 1st Sgt. Jennifer Loredo; daughter, Laura Isabelle; stepdaughter, Alexis; and son, Eddie Enrique.

This Hero WOD was originally posted by CrossFit’s Mainsite on December 31, 2012.


WOD 7/3/2020


EMOM x 10 Minutes

  • 5 Hang Power Cleans


AMRAP x 14 Minutes

  • 21/16 Calorie Row
  • 15 Tuck Ups
  • 9 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) (95/65)


WOD 6/29/2020



  • Front Squat


AMRAP x 10 Minutes (3-6-9 and so on..)

  • Front Squats (95/65)
  • Sit Ups

The Community that is CrossFit

It's not uncommon to see a supportive hug before or after any CrossFit workout.

When people come into a CrossFit gym there are a lot of differences as compared to your “Globo” gyms.  The lack of “machines”, minimal heat in winter, the opposite in summer.  But the one thing that many people see as a huge difference is the community.   

Most people that go to “the gym”, might know 2-3 people there.  You might chat real quick, maybe nod and smile, but past that, it’s pretty much it.  So why is it different at CrossFit. 

The community starts from when you first walk in, getting to know the coach, building a dialogue, and they start to get to know you.  Then you get in class, you’re now around people that are looking to get fit, same as you.  You start to talk to someone, next thing you’re laughing or swearing about the upcoming workout or the WOD you just did.  You are building a bond, you’re becoming close to that person.   


Next thing you’re doing the same thing with someone else, you’re feeling a common bond.  Closeness.  Everyone feels the same thing you’re going through, everyone is in it together.  The community of CrossFit builds the closeness….. 


Once you build the closeness….the many get built… ( to be continued: The Many).


