
The Community that is CrossFit

It's not uncommon to see a supportive hug before or after any CrossFit workout.

When people come into a CrossFit gym there are a lot of differences as compared to your “Globo” gyms.  The lack of “machines”, minimal heat in winter, the opposite in summer.  But the one thing that many people see as a huge difference is the community.   

Most people that go to “the gym”, might know 2-3 people there.  You might chat real quick, maybe nod and smile, but past that, it’s pretty much it.  So why is it different at CrossFit. 

The community starts from when you first walk in, getting to know the coach, building a dialogue, and they start to get to know you.  Then you get in class, you’re now around people that are looking to get fit, same as you.  You start to talk to someone, next thing you’re laughing or swearing about the upcoming workout or the WOD you just did.  You are building a bond, you’re becoming close to that person.   


Next thing you’re doing the same thing with someone else, you’re feeling a common bond.  Closeness.  Everyone feels the same thing you’re going through, everyone is in it together.  The community of CrossFit builds the closeness….. 


Once you build the closeness….the many get built… ( to be continued: The Many).







The Importance of Balance



Recovery/Performance Tip: Stress

It’s important to recognize that stress can have a huge affect on your performance and recovery. If you are going through a stressful time and everything else is in order (nutrition, sleep, hydration), stress alone is enough to mess with your mind and body. This in turn can affect your workouts and your recovery.
If you’re dealing with a lot of stress, the first step would be to pinpoint what factors are causing it. These stressors will normally fall into one of two groups – things you can control and things that you can’t.  Try to let go of the things you can’t control so you can focus on things you can.  Now that you’re focused on the things under your control you can develop a plan to deal with them. Sometimes just having a plan can help you feel more in control and help reduce stress.
Remember, stress is a normal part of life. Accepting this, letting go of the things outside of your control, and working on the things under your control, can go a long way to reducing the amount of stress you feel.

Packing a “CrossFit Gym Bag”

So if you sent your list to Santa from Coach Eric: then maybe you at least got a Gym Bag.  If you didn’t get a gym bag, most people typically have some type of backpack, bag etc., around the house.   


Now what do you put in it??? 


Let’s start with some simple things… 

Extra shirt – nothing worse than having a soaking wet sweaty shirt to drive home in.  In the summer you get your car seat messed up, in the winter you can’t break the chill.  A quick change makes a huge difference.   


Long socks/shin protection – So whether it’s time time to climb a rope, or do box jumps, you might need some leg protection.  If you don’t look at the WOD ahead of time you might not know you need them, and then it’s too late once you’re in the door. 


Deodorant – Nothing worse than realizing, I forgot, or it’s been over 8 hours since I put some on…time for another dose. 


Towel – Sometimes just a small towel to wipe your hands or head to get rid of that perspiration.   


Water bottle – Well you will probably get thirsty, so hopefully it’s full, if not we do have a sink. 


Stepping up the game a bit with these items… 


Jump rope – Having that same exact rope every time you jump can be a major game changer moving towards your first double under, or stringing a bunch together.   


Other shoes – Most come in wearing some type of multi-purpose shoe, which handles all things CrossFit.  But how about those days when it’s pure lifting or running.  That other pair of shoes might be the difference maker. 


Grips – Don’t want to rip your grip?  Add a set of grips to your bag for those days when the volume on the bar (pull ups, toes to bar, etc.) is going up a bit and you want some added protection. 


Of course you can also add in all other kinds of stuff… 

Protein bar, shaker bottle with protein powder, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, weight belt, etc… the list could go on and on… 
But these are some of the basics.  Above all the biggest thing to remember, is to bring your bag with you each day and bring it into the gym.  Also, when you leave to make sure you take out the dirty socks, shirts, towels, etc., otherwise the next time you open the bag you might see stars.   

James Grbac, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
Head CrossFit Teens Coach

How Can Your Coach Help You With Your New Year’s Resolution?

As 2019 comes to a close, we look back at the year and reflect on our successes and our not as successful endeavors. And then … we think….”I should make some New Years Resolutions !”

Each year people make New Years Resolutions. Among the most popular are for 2019 were…

  1. Exercise to get in better shape.
  2. Diet to lose weight
  3. Save money
  4. Eat healthier in general
  5. Something for self care

Sounds familiar right! Unfortunately, 80% of people fail their resolutions. Most of the time they are too vague. “drop 20 lbs by March” (with no plan), “run 3 miles a day” (never ran),  “eat more veggies” (I hate them!).  

Resolutions work best when they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound, according to an article in The NY Times. Wait! What!? That sound very similar to the principles that we follow at CrossFit Jungle Gym! All of our members use 90 day goal setting sessions with one of our coaches! A coach will help you pick goals based on your training regularity, past successes/failures, your nutrition adherence and help you set goals that are achievable in a relevant time frame.

So, perhaps as we move forward into 2020, we should think thoughtfully about what is truly important to us in both our physical and personal growth. Whether our resolutions are fitness based or on a more personal level, you can look to your coaches to be there to help in any way they can.        

Wishing you a very Happy New Year!                                      


Nancy Shapiro

L1 Crossfit Coach and Master Athlete

Want to start your fitness journey in 2020? Meet with a coach today.


CrossFitters Top 10 Holiday Wish List

CrossFitter’s Top 10 Holiday WIsh List:
1. Jump Rope – Having your own jump rope outside of what’s available at the gym can really help your overall fitness, as it allows you to get a good handle on the weight, speed and feel of the rope while training.
2. Insulated Water Bottle – Bring a water bottle to class so you’ll stay hydrated and avoid overheating.
3. Reebok Nanos – You can run, do double-unders, climb a rope, and deadlift, all in the same shoes.
4. Gym Bag – You need somewhere to store your work clothes, jump rope, shoes, and water bottle.
5. Weight Vest – For Murph.
6. Rogue Fitness Gift Card – Treat yo’ self.
7. WOD Notebook – Bring a notebook to every workout so you can keep track of your weights and reps. This is a good way to track your PR’s and set new goals.
8. Kettlebell – For those days you can’t make it to the gym but still want a good workout.
9. Silicone Wedding Band – Working out with a metal band can be unsafe and the possibility of losing your ring is worse.
10. Skill Sessions with A Coach – We can all use a little help with one or more movements and what better way to work on them than with some personal attention from a coach.



Holiday Stress and Weight Gain Simple Survival Tips


Let’s face it, the holidays are a great time for your taste buds, but it’s not really prime time for your waistline is it? What if I could show you how to enjoy the holidays and festivities without sabotaging your health goals.

The holidays are a happy time of the year because we get spend more time with family, sharing home-cooked meals and uplifting social functions with friends and co-workers. At the same time we are faced with added pressure from shorter work weeks, co-workers taking time off and holiday parties leave us with less time to get to the gym or stick to our healthy routines. All of this adding to stress that makes it easy to get off balance if you don’t plan ahead. Avoid succumbing to stress eating and ‘food emergencies’, finding yourself starving somewhere with limited healthy food options.

18 super simple diet and lifestyle tips to help you get through the holidays sane and healthy:

  1. Don’t over-commit:

    I cannot stress this enough!! As much as we would love to attend every holiday social event , dinner and office party, it can prove to be overwhelming to manage commitments to so many functions and still be able to maintain your routine. Don’t over extend yourself with committing to every invitation. No one expects you to say yes to everything, so do not expect that of yourself either.

  2. Plan for downtime and self-care:

    Don’t let the fast and festive pace of the holidays overwhelm you. Making time for shopping, cooking, cleaning, gift wrapping and socializing takes up most of our free time during the holidays and most often we put our own needs on the back burner. Unchecked, this could lead to a lot of holiday stress and unwarranted indulging on comfort foods and holiday treats when we don’t want to. Commit to taking time to yourself everyday to sit in quiet, take a walk, meditate, listen to your favorite holiday music, read a book, take a nap (yes, take a nap!) and make sure to get adequate sleep. There is a reason so many people feel ‘burned-out- after the holidays because they are shortchanging themselves in a time where they need the most self-care.

  3. Maintain your routine as much as possible:

    Nothing gets us out of our grooves as much as the holidays. There is less time for self-care, more to do in less time, holiday treats and parties everywhere. Getting off track can be easy, therefore making sure you stick to your routine is imperative and be sure leave enough time for the essentials(wake up time, meal times, workout times) that way you stay grounded and step into the new year unscathed.

  4. Stay active:

    Too often during the holidays the first thing we let go of is our exercise routine (along with the rest of our self-care regimen). Yes, it’s challenging to find the time to exercise regularly this time of year. Is it possible? Absolutely it is!!! With most of us being busier during the holidays, it is easy to put if off and then you wake up a month later 10 lbs heavier wondering how it happened? Staying active is very important.

    Exercise helps to level out all those calories we take in during December


    happens to be a great way to relieve some of the holiday stress.

    Exercise doesn’t have to be difficult and time consuming. It can be going for a walk or a quick group fitness class. It’s much easier to handle two 20-minute workouts during the holidays than one longer 45 minute workout. If you don’t have time to hit the gym, try to splitting your workouts up this way to make them more manageable. You can also workout at home and go for walks in the morning before work and in the evenings after a meal.

    Post meal walks are great way to lower blood sugar and insulin levels, that way less calories are stored as fat.

    Next time you have a heavy meal, remember your ‘why’, muster up some will power, put your jacket on an go for a brisk walk in the chilly December air. It will burn calories, invigorate and oxygenate you as well!! What a deal!!

  5. Keep an eye on your alcohol intake:

    Alcohol is so nearly ubiquitous during the holidays that we often associate with joy and relaxations. There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself responsibly and in moderation, however, if you are watching your weight or are concerned with not over eating, alcohol is not your friend. Not only do alcoholic drinks contain lots of calories, but they also stimulate an intense craving for more sugar. This can be dangerous when you find yourself at a holiday party on an empty stomach, with the exception of a few cocktails and now you are in a straight up ‘food emergency’ and chances are you won’t be reaching for the celery sticks. Plan ahead, don’t leave the house on an empty stomach and have a glass of water every few drinks. Your body will thank you!

  6. Don’t neglect your sleep

    When it comes to stress and routines, few are as important as sleep. Sadly, sleep is usually the first area people sacrifice when they become overwhelmed. If you don’t get the proper amount of rest, everything else will become more stressful and difficult to manage. Adequate sleep is what keeps the rest of your body going, so make the time to get to bed early enough to be rested. If you schedule nothing else in your day, you should at least schedule your sleep. It’s primary.

  7. Choose healthy substitutes

    With just a few simple food swaps and adjustments, you can still enjoy delicious foods without packing on the pounds and the guilt. For example, replace mashed potatoes with mashed sweet potatoes and swap out sour cream for Greek yogurt. Choose clear broth-based soups over creamy soups that are heavy with fat and calories. You can swap out potatoes or pasta for roasted veggies and hummus which makes for a much healthier dip than ranch or blue cheese dressing.

  8. If hosting a party, make sure guests have tupperware to take leftovers home, so you don’t get tasked with finishing them off

    If you’re watching your weight this holiday season and would much rather kick in the new year feeling fit, then a smart move is to have Tupperware for your dinner guests to take home leftovers in. The last thing you need is 5 more days of Christmas is your refrigerator. Either ask guests to bring their own Tupperware, or for under $15 you can purchase a stack of containers that will make all your guests happy at the end of the night.

    Choose your drinks wisely……high calorie drinks can be a fast way to consume way more calories than you need. Festive holiday drinks, with or without alcohol, are full of hidden sugar and can turn into calorie bombs.

    Alcoholic drinks create an intense craving for more sugar and can cause you to make poor judgement with food. Stick to calorie-free drinks like seltzer, tea and water.

  9. Practice eating mindfully

    Ever find yourself eating a delicious meal so quickly you practically inhaled it and have no recollection of how tasty it was? That is the opposite of mindful eating! When you are eating, take a break from multi-tasking and sit back and allow yourself to enjoy your favorite foods and flavors. Chew the food slowly enough so that you can appreciate not only the taste, but the texture, temperature, aroma and the feeling the food gives you when you bite into it. Train yourself to eat slowly enough to be able to maintain a conversation, enjoy your meal fully without overeating. Mindful eating is not only a wonderful way to slow down for a few minutes and truly enjoy your meal and but also helps you to eat slowly enough that you feel full sooner and are less prone to overeating. Be patient, eat slowly until you are satisfied, not stuffed. What’s the point of all the delicious holiday treats if we eat them so quick we can’t remember what they tasted like. That’s an insult to the chef….

  10. Don’t be a recreational eater

    Only eat when you are truly hungry when at holiday social events!! It’s real easy to chat up a conversation with someone and as they are talking, we keep taking and continue picking at the appetizer and snacks in front of us. Many times we reach for food instinctively without giving much thought why. Ever walk through the kitchen and open up the refrigerator for no reason when you’re not even hungry?

    Check your hunger cues! It is too easy to over consume a few hundred calories at a holiday party just by eating mindlessly.

    If you are going to a holiday party or event and you know it will be filled with foods that you may be likely to over indulge in, eat a sensible meal before hand, that way you only eat what you truly want and not what your taste buds are talking you into( those little rascals!!)

  11. Choose your splurges wisely

    With all of the wonderful seasonal dishes and holiday treats, it’s difficult not to indulge. Be ‘party smart’……scan the food selection carefully and pick a couple of your holiday favorites to savor instead of splurging on foods that you can have all year long, like bread, macaroni and cheese, apple pie and mashed potatoes. Pick your favorite treat, take your time and enjoy it.

  12. Keep a calorie budget

    Just as we need to be careful with who we give our time away to, we need to be judicious in keeping an eye on what foods we give our calories away to. You do not need to sample and eat every food this holiday. Be choosy in what foods you give away your calories to.

  13. Take a timeout

    It no news flash that it is easy to keep eating for a while before a feeling of fullness sets in. This is why experts recommend to eat until you are only 80% full. Chances are, within 10-15 minutes, that other 20% of the food you ate will have settled into your stomach and distended it enough to signal your satiety hormones to stop eating. The problem is when we eat too quickly and don’t pay attention to our body’s internal signals, we over consume and overburden our digestive system, leading to over fullness, bloating and the infamous holiday ‘food coma’. After your first helping, sit back and take a 10 minute break, make some conversation, drink some water, help clear the table perhaps, then re-check your hunger appetite. You will be surprised that you no longer want seconds or just half of the dessert instead.

  14. Don’t leave the house on an empty tank

    I said it earlier……do not get caught in a food emergency!! Last thing you want is to be at a holiday party famished and let loose on the buffet like you’re training for next year’s hot dog eating contest at Coney Island. Don’t leave the house hungry saying “we’ll just eat when we get there honey”. Even if you are rushing and don’t have too much time to grab a healthy meal, don’t set yourself up for regret later on by not planning ahead. Try eating a quick and well-balanced snack like mixed nuts, apple slices with almond butter or a cup of yogurt with fresh fruit. All of those options contain protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates that will go a long way to keeping your hunger in check so you focus on the people, not your plate.

    Visit the people not the food……move any socializing and conversations away from the food buffet and table with appetizers.

    Be careful to not hangout by the food and strike up conversation in order to minimize mindless snacking and picking at foods. Food can be a powerful distraction when we let it.

  15. Stay hydrated

    Water accounts for over 60% of our body’s total weight and we need to stay hydrated in order to maintain this ratio. Every single cell in your body and virtually every chemical reaction in your body involves water. Water is also necessary for several bodily functions, including maintaining our cell’s fluids and delivering nutrients, as well as helping to detoxify your body. Think of adequate hydration as your body’s way of taking out the trash. If you are dehydrated you run the risk of increased inflammation, brain fog and fatigue. Drink plain or infused water as often as you can throughout the day. Limit your intake of high-calorie drinks like eggnog, martinis and mochaccinos. If you’re consuming alcoholic beverages over the holidays, try alternating with glasses of water in between your cocktails. Your body will thank you the next morning. Also alcohol makes you hungry so be conscious not to find yourself at a holiday party drinking on an empty stomach then going to the buffet an hour later.

  16. Let go of the guilt

    If you happen to over indulge, the last thing you should be doing is make yourself feel bad. Shaming yourself never works and that is just NOT what the spirit of the holidays are about. You have a chance to make your next meal healthy and get some exercise in if you have time. The sun rises again every morning and each day we have a chance to start anew. Take the focus off of yourself and focus on family, friends, food and festivities. Remember the ‘reason for the season’ and if you find yourself over indulging, read #19.

  17. Go for an after dinner walk

    Postprandial(‘after eating’) walks have been shown to be an excellent method for mitigating the calories that will be stored as fat after a meal. A simple 15 minute brisk walk helps to pull much of the sugar from your meal into your muscles where it is absorbed and used as fuel. This leaves less calories that insulin stores away as fat after a meal. I particularly recommend postprandial walks to people who eat close to their bed time. Ideally we aim to stop eating 3 hours before bed, because we just don’t need all those calories when we are about to sleep for eight hours. But if you find yourself eating later than usual and want to help buffer against going to bed with a full stomach, take a short walk after your meal, then go to bed.

  18. Pinpoint your WHY

    You already know your goals of staying trim and staying in shape. Now take it one step deeper. Ask yourself this: what is the WHY behind my desire or need to eat clean, look good and perform better. Write your answers down on a sheet of paper and keep it at your bedside. I advise you to take a gander at it when you wake up and before you go to sleep, at the very least; and then use it additional times on an as-needed basis to avert any crises when they may arise (i.e. considering skipping a workout, taking your frustration out on a piece of cake instead of the pavement or a punching bag). For example, when you are ready to walk into the kitchen, walk to your room instead and read your special note. Better yet, tape that note to the refrigerator to remind you of your true goals every time you eat. Feeding that why into your mind in the short window of time that could make or break you will save you from any unwanted eating or exercising blunders, which could set you back and weigh you down. If someone offers you a food that you know you shouldn’t have, instead of telling yourself that you’re dieting and you shouldn’t have that sugar-filled dessert, tell yourself “I’m just not the type of person who eats those foods”. It’s a hundred times more empowering!! Amazing how a few words can reel you back into the place you need to be and re-align yourself with your goals. YOU GOT THIS!

Tommy Markov

Client Stories

“This ultimately encompasses everything, it has enough to make you want to keep coming” Gisela G.


CrossFit Conversations During the Holidays

Over the next few weeks many of us will be at numerous holiday functions….company parties, friend’s houses, family extravaganzas, etc.  As CrossFitters we are always wanting to talk CrossFit…but how do you bring it up??? 

There is always the.. “So have you heard about this thing called CrossFit”, but then that just turns into… “Oh there he goes again…” 

There has to be a better way to transition into CrossFit talk….so try these… 

  1. When hanging ornaments, compliment your family on their depth of squat while getting those bottom ornaments hung… 
  2. As you see a chef or your Uncle Marty taking the drumstick off the turkey, discuss internal vs. External rotation and which will remove the drumstick faster… 
  3. When someone gets an Amazon gift card, discuss the Top 10 things you can buy (see Coach Eric’s List). 
  4. At one of the sit down dinners, ask someone to pass the green bean casserole.  Discuss how that fits into a Zone diet plan. 
  5. When you see someone at the mall carrying numerous bags in each hand to their car compliment on their excellent farmer’s carry. 
  6. When someone talks about the new year, new decade, new you….ok, then you can just say “Have you ever heard about thing called CrossFit…” 

What’s your go to “CrossFit conversation starter?

James Grbac

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Head CrossFit Teens Coach


New Habits for the New Year… Who will you be when you grow up?

New Habits for the New Year… Who will you be when you grow up?


Are you planning for a healthier you in 2020? If you’re in the majority… you are. Here are some simple planning ideas to help you succeed starting January 1st.


  • Think long term
  • Make good habits easy
  • Make bad habits hard


Make bad habits hard!

If bad habits were hard instead of convenient you’d be far less likely to do them. For example, don’t stock ice cream in your freezer. It’s one spoon and door opening away. Leave it at the grocery store. It’s now, grab the keys, open the car door, start the car, drive down the street, park the car, go in the store, pick what kind you want, take it to the register, dig in your wallet for the money, pay for it…. You get the idea. SOOO MANY more steps to get that ice cream. I’ll bet you’re not going to go through those steps every day and you’ll be healthier for it. You can use this to make any bad habit more difficult to partake in. Booze, ice cream, cookies, candy… get them out of the house before January 1 and consciously decide… I will have to go through that long list of steps EVERY time I have that poor option. I can tell you first hand the length of time to go through that list to get your bad habit is full of guilt (another bad habit deterrent). If you want to learn how to pick up good eating habits and drop bad eating habits to improve your health and fitness you should sign up for our New Year’s Nutrition Challenge.


Make good habits easy!

It is vital that you make and new good habit that you want to make EASY. A habit I decided on in May of last year was to read for 10 mins a day. Simple and not a huge chunk of time. But what happened when I picked up the book? I would usually read for an hour. I actually had to set a timer to keep from reading too long! OK so you want to get healthier… I’m going to workout every day. Let’s start with 5 mins EVERYONE can find 5 mins in their day. In those 5 mins you’re going to do: 1 min Plank, 1 min of Sit Ups, 1 min of Squats, 1 min of Jumping Jacks, 1 min of Toe Touches. Look at your daily schedule and figure out when it fits best. Right before you shower could be the perfect time! If you want step by step guidance in building a new exercise habit you should meet with a coach and discuss our First 60 Days program.


Think long term…

One large lump sum? OR continous small deposits? We want to make continuous small deposits, daily, toward our goals. The effect of these small habits is like compounding interest on a bank account, the growth is exponential, not linear. A small change applied daily for a couple of months, a year, a decade has the ability to change your life dramatically. I like to think of it as “who do I want to be when I grow up?”. Example, I want to be fit. Fit people workout regularly. I should too. I can dedicate 5 mins everyday. What happens when you’re warm and sweaty from you 5 mins? You’ll probably decide (some days) that “hey I can do a little more” and a habit will be born and ready to grow. More importantly though it is not about how much on a given day but that you do it everyday. My morning schedule is a habit born out of what I want to become and is who I am becoming. If you want to become more fit and need help implementing some good habits, come meet with a coach. We’ll help you be who you want to be when you grow up!


Brian Zimmerman


CrossFit Jungle Gym 
