12 Days of Fitmas:
1 Sumo DL High Pull
2 Thrusters
3 Push-Ups
4 Sit Ups
5 Front Squats
6 Shoulder to Overhead
7 Burpees
8 Box Jumps
9 Hang Snatches
10 Overhead Squats
11 Double-Unders
12 Pull-Ups
12 Days of Fitmas:
1 Sumo DL High Pull
2 Thrusters
3 Push-Ups
4 Sit Ups
5 Front Squats
6 Shoulder to Overhead
7 Burpees
8 Box Jumps
9 Hang Snatches
10 Overhead Squats
11 Double-Unders
12 Pull-Ups