Preview of workouts for the week of 8/9/2021
Monday 8/9: 15 min amrap, 30 Dubs, 15 Tuck ups, 10 DB snatch L 50/35, and 10 DB snatch R 50/35
Tuesday 8/10: 9-6-3, Bar MU, and OHS 115/85
Wednesday 8/11: 10 min AMRAP, 2-4-6-8-10-12—, Front Squat, Pull ups, and 135/95
Thursday 8/12: 4 RFT, 400m run, 15 SDHP 70/53, and 15 push ups
Friday 8/13: 3RFR 1 min each, TTB, Burpees, Cal, and Rest
*WODs are subject to change
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