Weekly Workout Preview 12/18/23

MONDAY: Ring Muscle Ups, Calorie Bike, Hang Cleans & Back Squats
TUESDAY: Rowing, Dips, Pull-Ups & Sit-Ups
WEDNESDAY: Handstand Push-Ups, Rope Climbs, Wall Balls & Double-Unders
THURSDAY: Snatch, Hang Snatch, Overhead Squat & Core Finisher
FRIDAY: Deadlifts, Toes-to-Bar & Burpees
SATURDAY: “12 Days of Fitmas” – Sumo DL High Pull, Thrusters, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, Front Squats, Shoulder to Overhead, Burpees, Box Jumps, Hang Snatch, Overhead Squats, Double-Unders & Pull-Ups
SUNDAY: Open Gym

people working out in a group fitness class


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