whats your

What’s your excuse?


You already know that you make excuses for why you aren’t as fit as you’d like. You probably make excuses as to why you’re not as wealthy. You probably make excuses why you’re not the best parent in the world. I know you do and I do it too.

But do you know the solution?

Stop making excuses and decide you’ll succeed no matter what… you will find a way.

Here are the excuses I hear about fitness:

  • “It’s hard to eat right. In my house it’s 3 versus 1”.
  • “The Governor shut down all the gyms”
  • “I don’t know what to do”
  • “I’m eating healthy but it’s not changing the scale”
  • “I don’t have time”
  • “I don’t have the motivation”

A Growing List

The list grows every time I talk to someone frustrated about fitness… Here’s the thing… We specialize in helping you overcome obstacles. 90% of our members have tried 5 or more other fitness options before coming to us. They come to us frustrated or plateaued and looking to “take my fitness up a level” (regardless of the level their at).

The first thing we do in a No Sweat Intro or in a Goal setting session is ask you questions to paint your fitness picture. What you want to accomplish. What is working for you now. What isn’t working for you. Then… we prescribe the actions to succeed. Your excuses and obstacles dictate the solution we present to you.

  • If you don’t know what to do… we’re going to teach you (even if you do know, we’re going to teach you more).
  • If you have a hard time eating right, we’re going to come up with a solution you can execute to continue improving.
  • If you think the governor can stop you from achieving… there’s a gym right here that won’t make that excuse.
  • If you “don’t have time”… let me tell you what you can accomplish in 10 mins a day.

Excuses are only a delay in the process of success. One of the things I vowed early on in the development of CrossFit Jungle Gym was to eliminate the potential that you could use our gym as an excuse for your lack of success. You can blame whatever you want for your lack of success, but we won’t let our services or process be one of them.

Every day, people come up with excuses for why they can’t achieve success. They say they don’t have enough time, money, or resources. They claim they’re not good enough or that they don’t know where to start. But the reality is that these are only delays in the process of success. The only way to achieve success is to take action and keep moving forward, regardless of the obstacles in your way.

If you want to be successful, you need to stop making excuses and start playing roulette with roulette bonus (https://slotogate.com/roulette-bonus/) on SlotoGate to steps towards your goals. It might be difficult at first, but success is always worth the effort. So don’t let excuses hold you back any longer – it’s time to start achieving your dreams.

Ready for Change

If you’re sick of making excuses for yourself…sign up for a No Sweat Intro RIGHT NOW!

Brian Zimmerman

Owner- CrossFit Jungle Gym

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at CrossFit Jungle Gym is right for you.
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