What is the CFJG Intramural Open?

The intramural open is the most highly anticipated and participated time of the year at CFJG. It runs concurrently with The CrossFit Games Open in which over the course of 3 weeks you’ll complete 3 workouts. Our intramural twist is to increase participation, fun and camaraderie within the gym. The Intramural Open consists of teams participating for maximum points over the course of the 3 weeks of The Open.  Once the Open is complete we will have a team event on March 25th.  This will have no bearing on the Intramural Open, but will be a fun day to get together as well as have our official champion crowning ceremony.   So, lets walk through how the Intramural Open season works.


1 captain (Jenn Watt) will be from the returning champions Hustle and Flex. The other captains will be selected from nominations based on their representation of CFJG core values. Captains will be selected by January 15. Captains are responsible for participating in the draft Feb 2nd 7PM at the gym, operating their team’s private FB group, collect money for team uniforms (~$20), making sure everyone submits their scores, coming up with team name/logo (by Jan 22) and leading their team towards greatness! Captains will submit uniform money and team members shirt sizes by February 9th for order. Want to nominate a captain? Send the name of your nomination and brief description why to [email protected] or message on FaceBook ASAP.


The Draft will be held Thursday February 2nd at 7:00pm. Captains will make their team selections based from the pool of athletes that have monthly memberships or have registered for the 2023 CF Games Open at the beginning of the draft meeting.  Captains will select draft order out of a hat, then we will proceed into the draft as follows:

Round 1: 1-2-3

Round 2: 3-2-1 Random Draw

Round 3: 3-2-1

Round 4: 1-2-3 Random Draw

Round 5: 1-2-3

Round 6: 3-2-1 Random Draw

Round 7 (same as 1)… until all the athletes have been selected.

OPEN: feb 16th – mar 6th

This is where the participation begins! Each Thursday at 3pm EST The Open workout will be announced and is to be completed by the submission deadline the following Monday. Every athlete can earn their team 5 points by completing the workout.  If an athlete is not officially signed up for the Open they can still score the participation points.  They just need to make sure a score sheet is filled out.   All athletes that are signed up for the Open need to make sure their score is submitted by the deadline established by CrossFit.
This year our additional points will come from filling out our CrossFit Jungle Gym Bingo Card.  Each BINGO you score (5 horizontal, 5 vertical, and 2 diagonal) will earn you an additional point for your team.  Printed cards will be supplied and a link will be sent out as we get closer to the Open.  To earn a square you must complete a task, these range from taking pics with coaches/members to some athletic tasks, and non-athletic tasks. 


Updated standings will be announced at 3pm Wednesday in the CFJG Members Only Group.

Participation- 5 points for each team members completion and timely submittal of score.

CFJG Bingo – 1 point for each BINGO that you get, 5 horizontal, 5 vertical, and 2 diagonal.  Fill out the entire board and earn a bonus point, so 13 total points for a fully completed card.  

Final weekly scores will be tabulated and announced Wednesday at 3PM.


Each Friday during The Open the class WOD will be The Open WOD. So, you may attend class as normal and participate then at 5am, 6am, 730am, or noon classes.  You can also join us at Friday Night Lights, which will start at 5PM.  More to come on how Friday Nights will run.

On Saturday you will have the opportunity to complete the WOD during the 8am class or 9am Open Gyem.  Your last chance to complete the WOD will be during the 8:30am open gym on Sunday. 

If you can’t make the times listed above we will make our best effort to allow you the space to complete the WOD during our normal operating hours on Monday.  You will need to make arrangements with Coach James to ensure we have space, and you will need to provide your own judge.  Please realize this will be extremely limited so do your best to get the WOD in Friday, Saturday or Sunday.


The cost of registering for The Open $20, which you can do here.

The cost of Team Uniform (T-shirt) ~$20, give to your Captain. This is not required to participate.


Friday Night Lights… at 5pm will be our main event! If your schedule allows for you to attend Friday nights to do the Open WOD we highly encourage it! The gym will be transformed into a Sports Arena, the energy is super high and it’s an awesome experience. All spectators are encouraged to come watch and bring noise makers.

Team event and Awards Ceremony… on March 25th starting at 9am, we’ll have our Team Event and Awards Ceremony.  This year all the team events will be announced ahead of time, and will be some type of “relay” style to encourage participation from all team members.  The team event will be to close out the open and the winning team for this day will be given a separate prize (to be announced later). 


Team Champions: Team with the most points after completion of the 3 weeks. Receives The Cup

Fittest Female: The athlete who finishes in the top spot based on the CFJG custom leaderboard.

Fittest Male: The athlete who finishes in the top spot based on the CFJG custom leaderboard.

Top Male Scaled: The athlete who completes ALL workouts scaled and sits atop the scaled men’s leaderboard.

Top Female Scaled: The athlete who completes ALL workouts scaled and sits atop the scaled women’s leaderboard.

Top Male Foundations: The athlete who completes ALL workouts foundations and sits atop the foundations men’s leaderboard.

Top Female Foundations: The athlete who completes ALL workouts fondations and sits atop the foundations women’s leaderboard.

Most Inspiring Player: Will be voted on by all participating members and coaches.


CrossFit Classes: Attending regularly will help you build your base of fitness and understand your weaknesses. Get to at least 3 classes a week!

Skill Sessions: 30 minute 1-on-1 sessions with a coach to work on skills that will help you improve your performance in The Open. Skill sessions are great for: Double Unders, Repeating Box Jumps, Learning to Kip, getting your first Bar Muscle Up, Learning Olympic lifting technique. Schedule a goal setting session with a coach to determine what would work best for you!

Clinics:  Request a small group session that will focus on building specific skills you desire in small group setting. Need something like Shoulder mobility program, Double Under clinic, Muscle Up program, Olympic Lift program? Let us know what you’d like to see, e-mail your request to [email protected].


For The Open: go to games.crossfit.comFor the Intramural Open: if you’re a monthly member you will automatically be signed up.  If you’re a personal training member and want to be part of the Open let your coach know and we’ll get you on a te

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at CrossFit Jungle Gym is right for you.
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