Preview of workouts for the week of 8/2/2021
Monday 8/2: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, Med ball cleans 20/14, Burpees
Tuesday 8/3: 20 min AMRAP, 400m run, Max Thrusters 95/65
Wednesday 8/4: 12 min AMRAP, 5 Clean and Jerk 135/95, 15 cals bike/row/ski
Thursday 8/5: 5 Rounds for reps 40 sec on/20 rest, Dubs, Sit ups
Friday 8/6: 4 RFT, 20 Akb swings 53/35, 10 Box jumps 24/20
*WODs are subject to change
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