Lakenya chats with Coach James about what brought her to CrossFit Jungle Gym a year ago and how even through nutrition changes she has been able to achieve amazing results.
What brought you to CrossFit Jungle Gym?
“Just the need to have professionals around that know proper form and can inform me of how to do the movements and how to do them safely.“
Over the last 90 days – tell us a little bit about your success.
“Over the last 90 days I have decreased by body fat percentage by almost 7%, increased my skeletal muscle mass by 2 1/2 pounds and my weight has gone down by close to 10 pounds”.
What was your first sign of progress recently?
“First sign of progress I think getting closer to my 1 rep max for my deadlift, closer to my 1 rep max for my squat and other lifts.“
What would you say is the biggest obstacle we helped you over come in the last 90+ days?
“The biggest obstacle – mental. Total mental game sometimes. Sometimes you think, oh I changed my nutrition I won’t be able to do xy or z. It’s ingrained in your mind that you have to eat meat to be able to achieve these results. I’ve had to change my diet to a point that I thought it would be harder for me to obtain certain results – but it’s clearly been the opposite.”
What are you looking to do in the next 90 days?
“Further nail down my nutrition and I think continue to just strive to get that little bit better every time I work out. Give consistent effort, not necessarily push myself to finish in record breaking time, but to consistently move through the workout and finish and give a good effort, but still challenge myself. Get better to increase my cardiac output and strength.”
There is a Lakenya, sitting at home, someone is in the same shoes you are in, they are watching this video, what do you say to them?
“Nothing to lose and everything to gain. Trained professionals is the key to meeting those goals and reaching out for help is the first step. I’m glad I did more than a year ago.”